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Podcast Episode
Album Review
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PJ Harvey

524 Rid Of Me by PJ Harvey

Rid Of Me

Release year
Steve Albini
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On 1993's Rid Of Me the sound-shifting PJ Harvey created a visceral and vital record, deconstructing blues and punk with poetic tension

Author & Special Guests

With three decades of records to look back on, it's safe to say Polly Jean Harvey doesn't stand still for long. From the minimalist blues of To Bring You My Love to the eerie piano pieces of White Chalk, Harvey has become indie rock's David Bowie, evolving her style steadily and consistently, often at odds with expectations. On her second album as PJ Harvey, Rid Of Me stands the test of time thanks to her raw and intimate approach while unleashing Pixies-ish punk and Bo Diddley blues rhythms. Harvey plays in a big sandbox, and her handpicked producer Steve Albini is game, giving plenty of space for light and dark to crash and thrash.

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Songs in this episode

  • Intro - 50ft Queenie
  • 16:19 - Rid Of Me
  • 27:03 - Dry
  • 32:52 - Me-Jane
  • 44:03 - Yuri-G
  • Outro - Missed

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Rid Of Me