Edward James "Ed" Hamell, better know as Hamell On Trial, has been writing, recording, and touring for over thirty years, bouncing from major labels to minor labels to his own, with either a studio or live album out almost every other year. While production values have shifted, the fiery anti-folk and spoken word approach has remained constant, and his 1999 album is definitely on the lower end of the recording quality spectrum. That doesn't impact the performances or songs, as Hamell On Trial makes stunning use of his Gibson acoustic guitar, plucking out staccato rhythms on one track before leading a dirty blues romp on the next. All of it adds up to a uniquely singular performance and vision, one that can definitely split opinions on what worked and didn't work.
Songs In This Episode:
Intro - Hamell's Ramble
17:56 - I'm Gonna Watch You Sleep
24:07 - The Lottery
28:10 - Nancy's Got a New Boyfriend
35:18 - When Bobby Comes Down
46:30 - Shout Outs
Outro - Bill Hicks
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